Marketing and Advertising

How to Create and Manage an Ecommerce Business

Steps to Being Successful in the World of E-Com

E-commerce is now worth over $200 billion dollars per year in the United States, and it is because of this success that more and more entrepreneurs are heading online to seek their fortunes. Unfortunately, over 80% of those who start out end up failing within the first 18 months. In this post, we are going to discuss tips and tricks for making an e-commerce business not only run effectively, but also successfully. Depending on the success of this post, we may turn it into a mini series and go into a lot more detail on each point. For now however, it will just be a broad overview.

Choosing a Product

Choosing the right product is the foundation upon-which your empire will be created. Pick a bad one, and you could find yourself in trouble down the line. To pick the right product you will need to know what sells and, to know what sells, you will need to do research. Look into all the areas your chosen product is selling online and, more importantly, how built up your competition is. Does their website suck? Do they write poorly? Are their images bad? All of these are cracks in the armor that you should be looking for that, when exploited, will make you stand out above your competitors.

Sourcing a Product

Once you have figured out what product you want to sell and taken a look at your competitors, you will need to figure out a way to create the product itself. There are a number of resources for finding product suppliers you can check out online, but that is not all you will need to do. You will also have to find a way to move your product to the shipping warehouses where it will be stored before being sent to customers. The best way to do this is through a customs clearance and import company, which you can find plenty of online as well.

Setting up a Shop

Once you have found a product, a supplier, and a way to ship it into the country, you will need to create a place for customers to buy it. One of the best online platforms for selling digital goods and creating super simple, great looking websites is the Shopify platform. We recommend getting your brand set up on there, adding your products, and then proceeding on to the last step.

Getting Traffic

Generating traffic is one of the most difficult things internet marketers must do, but is crucial to any success online. You could be the next Ferarri, but with nobody to see your products, it does not mean anything. Traffic is a huge category in and of itself, so we recommend checking out this blog, who have dedicated an immense amount of time discussing different exposure gaining methods for Shopify stores.